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Protect your hair this summer

Protect your hair this summer with a few of our simple but effective tips!

  1. Less heat - Our hair can easily become dry and damaged from the UV RAYS. We want to reduce the amount of heat that we use on our hair this summer. Why not try the viral tiktok heatless curls trend instead?

  2. Use more Heat protection/UV HAIR protection

  3. Wear a hat - Protect your scalp from the sun. Our head can burn too leaving your scalp dry and flakey.

  4. Use the correct shampoo and conditioners to see your coloured hair stay vibrant and full of colour.

  5. EXTRA TREATMENTS- Whether this is at home or in the salon, don't forget to give your hair a few extra treatments to keep your hair soft, moisturised and healthy.

  6. AVOID CHLORINE - If you can, try to avoid chlorine especially if you have bleached hair. Chlorine is drying and causes hair to break. It can also turn your fresh bleached hair green.


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